Thursday, January 26, 2012

Billie Sue and Earl begat.....

When you are reading the scriptures and it begins with "Abraham begat Issac...and Issac begat Jacob and Jacob begat Joseph..." and on and on, don't you begin to put connecting lines together and start to realize how we all tie together? It then becomes easy to see where and why our beliefs come from and who fell out of line in passing on traditions and beliefs. I think it is a very interesting study and helps us understand the social behavior of each of us (Earl would tell me I have listened to way too many Sociology and Psychology classes).

Going on - Henry and Fanny Jane begat David and David and Ethel began David and David and Louise began Billie Sue and Billie Sue and Earl begat Robert, Billie Jo, Olivia, Allen, Chelsea and Giselle. Billie Jo and Tim begat Ellie Jo, Tess, Mia and Evie; Olivia and Rick began Luke, Noah, Eli and Liv; Allen and Patrice begat Evan and Emmie; Chelsea begat Jack; and Noah and Giselle begat Rajko. Working hard, celebrating joyously, singing happily and sharing love are all family traditions passed on from one generation to another in our family.

In the home I was raised in, Christmas was such a wonderfully magic time. We made candy, Mom sewed continuously; she prepared a special candle-light Christmas Eve dinner and we shared a "family night" with each other where we would sing, dance, recite poetry or perform in any way we felt would be enjoyed by others. We carried this on in our family for as long as I can remember and even though Mom and Dad are gone and all we have left are the memories of these special times, we still continue to have a family party at Christmas which includes a great dinner, socializing and many times a program.

In our home, we celebrate the exact same way I did growing up. Christmas Eve is one of the most special nights of the entire year! We are lucky because all of our children live near and we are able to get together on this night. We have a wonderful candle-light dinner which everyone helps prepare; we have a "family night" where everyone shares their talents; we open Christmas jammies and we love and enjoy each other's company. This year, Chelsea planned a nativity which the children presented. It was wonderful!

I hope in the many histories that will be written years down the road when my grand-children marry and begat other children, the beliefs and traditions will continue on and on and forever. I thank my Father in Heaven daily for the many, many blessings that are mine because of the beliefs and traditions of those from my past.

Enjoy our Christmas pictures!


Polly said...

love the pictures and also the traditions. I know family members who have passed on would be smiling during your Christmas Eve celebrations, happy that the traditions they started are going on to this day. Those traditions keep our families close and tie us to those who have gone on before.

Billie Jo said...

The traditions just keep going and the strength of the family gets stronger. The little shepherds and wisemen were my favorite. If only we had kids who liked to perform at little!

Chelsea Johnson said...

I love the traditions you have instilledin us! We are so lucky to come from such strong abd wonderful heritage. Thank you so much for all you do for us!

The Gunnerson Family said...

Another wonderful Christmas Eve. Although, it looks like I need a long winter's nap. I love all the time and memories we have together.

McNeil Family said...

It was another great Christmas Eve. Thank you for a memorable night. night. Everyone had a wonderful time, well, except for one naughty shepherd boy. To be fair, herding sheep can cause grouchiness.

Giselle Rasheta said...

What a wonderful family you have begat. Begatten? I'm not sure... I just know that we're lucky to have you as our parents and leaders. What fun traditions we have that we all are so excited to carry on with our families! We love you!