Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kissin' Cousin Party

The "Miles Girls" and their children were here in Utah visiting for a bit, so we decided that was a really good reason to get together and have a "Kissing Cousin Party!" We had so much fun--we wish everyone could have been there, but by time you get as many in a family as we have and there are so many different obligations, it is not always possible for everyone to be present.  We had a great time with the ones who were able to come and better than ever, the children had a REALLY good time!
Team Zach, Ethan, Ellie,Tess, Kate, Mia, Noah and Claire are trying to show who is the toughest!
Team Madeline, Amber, Bridger, Luke, Ava, Brody and Addey are holding their line tight!
Reece and Dyllan are just chillin', enjoying the tire swing and the shade.
Evan loves to climb on Grandpa Bisel's old farm equipment and pretend he is farming.  Emmie would love to follow Evan, but is still a little unsure of just how to get up.
I missed the best part of this picture--I was just too slow, but Brody was helping Dyllan carry the tramp over by the picnic tables.  It is just a sheer joy to see little cousins help one another out. 

The cousins really do love to get together and visit.  Rachelle, Sharee, Joni, Olivia, Beau Dee, Wacey, Rob, Uncle Bill and Kylie are sharing tales with one another and enjoying the company.

Rob may be doing a little more relaxing than visiting, but he loves to hear everyone else's tales.

Evie decided to see how many sticks she could pick up and walk with and still remain standing!
Allen, Laura, Rick, Liv, Evie and Tim (at least his legs) are enjoying the summer Bench Creek breeze and some of Rick's homemade rootbeer!
Between Earl, Billie Jo, Paul and Tim, I'm not sure who got the biggest kicks out of the stories that were being told!

There really is just nothing like " kissin' cousins," to share tales about the good ole' days and hopes of tomorrow.  These kids have all been friends since they were born.  It is fun for them to get together and satisfying to watch their kids make friends with their cousins, just the way they did in days gone by. 


The Gunnerson Family said...

Thanks for the wonderful afternoon. We always have such a good time together and it is so fun to see our kids loving eachother as much as we did! I appreciate your organizing, cooking, and RAKING to make it such a good time.

Polly said...

sounds like fun. i love getting together with family. nothing better! love your new background!

Giselle Rasheta said...

So fun...I'm so glad you are always giving us opportunities to be together as a family. Sorry I was having a rough day and missed out on the majority of the party! Looks like fun was had by all!