Thursday, October 29, 2009

The warmth of October.......

You know how there are just some times you love so much because there is such a good feeling that accompanies that time of year? You know how there are so many memories of certain times of year that it just rings a little bell and awakens something inside of you that just brings warmth all over your being? October is just that time of year for me!
First - My little Billie Jo was born in October! Earl and I had been married over three years and had talked about "our baby" for so long. We were so excited to bring a little symbol of our love into this world. Of course, she took her sweet time making her grand entrance, but when she did -- WHAM!!!!! our lives were NEVER the same again! For such a tiny one, her impact was huge! She not only demanded our full-time attention, but wherever we went, she was also capable of garnering the attention of everyone in the room. She has never disappointed us. She is bright, beautiful, talented, charming, caring and ambitious! We love her so much and appreciate her impact on our lives. We are proud of her and her accomplishments and will love her forever! Happy Birthday - Billie Jo - and thank you for being our daughter!
Second - is our little Billie Jo's little Ellie Jo. If we thought we were anxious for Billie Jo, imagine how we anticipated the birth of our first grandchild! Tim and Billie Jo had been married for a few years before Ellie finally came. We were more than ready to begin the "grandma/grandpa" trip. We actually had the opportunity of being included in Ellie's life in a big way, as Billie Jo and I coached drill team and Ellie was an extension of us. Every little coo, every little smile, every little anything was met with such excitement and enthusiasm -- by not only Earl and me, but also every other one of Billie Jo's sibbling! SHE WAS DEFINITELY SPOILED by everyone, but my goodness! Little Ellie Jo has turned into such a beautiful young lady. She is the excitement and the planner of the grandkids. She is definitely in charge and she is a wonderful girl! She is bright, beautiful, talented, charming, caring and ambitious. Happy Birthday - Ellie Jo - and than you for being our granddaughter!
And last but not least - Patrice. My first memory of Patrice was on a bus trip from Park City. She was a gigglie, little cheerleader, talking to her friends about some guy she had a crush on and I thought how cute she was. The next thing I know, she is at my house with that same friend, and again I thought how infectious her smile was and what a happy little girl she was. Over the months and years of having her in my home associating with Allen and my other children, I thought the world of her. I think I worked as hard at "courting" her as Allen did. There was a very sad time that I wondered if they would ever get together, but when Allen confided in me that whenever he looked to the future and pictured his family, Patrice was always the mother of his children, I knew they would get together successfully. I do have to say that Patrice is one of the most patient, loving little mothers I've ever seen. I'm so glad she is a part of our family. She is bright, beautiful, talented, capable and a wonderful wife to my son. Happy Birthday - Patrice - and thank you for being our son's wife, our grandson's mother, and a wonderful daughter!
You three girls -- I love and appreciate you all so very much! Happy, happy birthday!


The Gunnerson Family said...

Octobers sure is plentiful with love and birthdays. Six of our fabulous family members have birthdays this month! It is pretty fun to have these three with birthdays the same day. It certianly makes for a SPECIAL day for three SPECIAL girls. I love them all.

Chelsea Johnson said...

I love this time of year too! With all the fun birthdays in our family, who wouldn't? I wish we could be there to celebrate with these three! Thanks for reminding us how wonderful they each are!

McNeil Family said...

Look what I miss when I don't check blogs. I'm a little teary! I sure love all my McNeil family members with Birthday's in October. And I certainly am ETERNALLY Grateful that you helped Allen and I out in getting together. I know you were my best advocate. Thank you thank you. I loved you and your family so much that I just knew my heart would break if I didn't get in the family somehow. Thank you for your wonderful son and family!

Billie Jo said...

WOW! Where to even begin. I think that there are way to many emotions for me to start talking about being a mother or having the perfect example of a mother to me. I remember the day that you and I went to the dr to make sure everything was ok with the baby. When they showed is the the little flutter on the screen and we both started crying I knew my life had changed... for the good! October is a great month and there are many great people to celebrate!

Giselle Rasheta said...

Seriously, what a plentiful month. I love this post.... mom, you're so talented with words and expressing your feelings. I love all our birthday family members and am glad that we have the opportunity to celebrate them...