Saturday, November 7, 2009

Greener Pastures....

I learned to pray at my Father's knee,
Each night we gathered -- the whole family.
At the close of day, when the work and dinner were through,
We lived by this routine -- on our knees to give thanks is what we do.

We were taught the power of the Priesthood through our prayers,
We witnessed comfort and healing -- the Spirit everywhere.
We were taught in the household of faith, one can be healed,
Both in the heavens and on earth, families can be sealed.

In our home, on the matter where we are,
Prayer is the answer - heaven is not very far.
Childlike faith in our Savior's gift to mankind,
Through obedience and endurance, eternal life we can find.

Those many years of hearing my Father's strength through his pleas,
Now lends me the same strength as I kneel beside him on bended knee
To plead for him and the blessings he needs,
As I remember his life-long actions of work and kind, loving deeds.

"Bless him, dear Father in Heaven above
That his suffering will be lessened as he feels our devotion and love.
Let him remember those days long ago in the prime of his life,
Surrounded by green pastures, animals, children and his loving wife."

My Dad, David DeLoy Bisel, left this world Friday, Nov. 6th, for far greener pastures (so to speak), to join Mom, his parents and many other loved ones. He is now pain free. My brother and sisters and I spent this day making arrangements and sharing memories of our wonderful Dad with each other. We all agreed how serving and helping him over these past months, have made each one of us better people. Thank you, Dad, for such a special opportunity.

The viewing is Tuesday, Nov. 10th, from 6:00 PM to whatever, at the Woodland Church. Another viewing is Wednesday morning, Nov. 11th at 10:00 AM. The funeral will be at noon. Dad will travel to the cemetery in a horse-drawn hearse and laid to rest right next to Mom. Thanks to so many dear friends and loved ones who have already called or brought food to us. We love you all dearly.


Noah Rasheta said...
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Noah Rasheta said...

What wonderful words! We're so happy to be able to be here with you guys for the viewing and the funeral. We love you and look forward to the few days we can spend with you.

Billie Jo said...

I have so many great memories of Grandpa and the life lessons that he taught us. I am SO glad that I had the opportunity to spend time with Grandpa on Monday. Wonderful memories!!!

Giselle Rasheta said...

You've written so many wonderful poems, Mom, but I love this one so much. You are such a wonderful mom and daughter, and such a talented person. I'm so happy to be here, spending time with you and my family, and I'm so thankful for Grandpa that he is with his beautiful wife again. I'm sure he's pinching her bum at the kitchen sink in heaven. :)

The Gunnerson Family said...

Beautiful, as always. You have quite a gift for words and are very talented at getting the emotion across. I will miss grandpa so much, but am thankful for the plan of salvation because it makes me so happy to think of him with grandma again.

The Richards family said...

Beautiful Aunt Billie! I know grandpa is in greener pastures and he is with grandma, He could not be happier!! Thanks for letting me spend so much time with grandpa, me and my girls will cherish that time forever!!

The Cox Family said...

What a great poem Billie Sue. You really do have a way with words. Your father would be very pleased with it. You are such a great person and were there for your dad when he needed you the most. Like you said to me, we all know that he is in a better place but it is still very hard. We love you guys and are here for you if you need anything.

McNeil Family said...

I love that picture of Grandpa on the tractor. I feel very blessed to have spent so much time with him in that very field. He really was a wonderful grandpa.

Cheri said...

Sorry for your loss. He was a great man!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to your father. You have been the very best example of pure and selfless love I have ever seen, and I know you will miss your Dad but I think you can find comfort in the fact that you spent time with him and dedicated care. You are a great woman and I love you to pieces.

Chelsea Johnson said...

You have such a way of saying the perfect things. The song you wrote was beautiful, and I literally have it in my head every day. Grandpa was such an amazing man, and you have clearly learned so much from him about how to love and be an example. We are so lucky to have a wonderful mom like you!!!! Love you!!!!