Ah - Easter - the time to pause and reflect on life! How long we humans have been around...and how many, many more of us are yet to come!

I drove to St. George to spend Easter with my two babies. Giselle, Noah and Rajko drove up from Phoenix and we all met at Chelsea and Jack's house. First thing Saturday morning, Chelsea and Jack had their pictures taken at the Brigham Young Winter Home. It is beautiful, the morning was beautiful, and my little ones are beautiful!

Jack really didn't care if he had his picture -- he was happy to explore!

Jack had to take time out of the photo shoot to see a bug.

Rajko just wants to see what is beyond the next step!

Is that a precious, beautiful, little face?

Each of these little boys is so innocent and teachable! What they will know-as other young men in the past knew- is what their mothers teach them

These two mothers taught their little ones happiness and joy with each new experience.

Jack is loving the egg coloring tradition!

My two little girls still love to color eggs and see how pretty and unique they can make each egg they decorate.

That tricky bunny left Jack a scoooter, kite AND candy!

The two are going to begin the adventure of finding hidden Easter eggs.

Oh, we'd better peel that egg prior to eating it, Rajko!

The bunny even hid eggs outside for the boys.

A dump truck full of sand AND Easter eggs is the best!

Chelsea had all the necessities for a beautiful Easter table!

What a wonderful life..and what a great weekend with my girls!

So glad the Rasheta's would make the drive and spend the weekend. Noah is beginning a new phase of his life -- he has taken a huge step and gone out on his own. His new business is kre8it, where he designs, creates and develops webcites and advertising. It's a new day with lots of possibilities! Best luck to you, Noah!

It's also a new life for Allen and Patrice, as they are almost ready to move in to their beautiful new home. Earl spent the weekend with Allen, trying to lay tile so they can make the deadline for the inspection.

Allen has worked hard building he and Patrice and Evan's new home. He built the mantle, laid the tile and wood floors, he has done the woodworking painted and done excavation work. All the investment of time for he and Patrice will definitely be worth it as they begin their new life in their home together.
Billie Jo hosted Easter dinner for Dad and Rob in my absence. I'm spoiled to have such thoughtful daughters. Olivia fed Earl and Rob sweet rolls for breakfast, so they were well taken care of.
We received word today that Trudy's Dad had passed away. What a bittersweet day for her. As his life ends here on this earth as we know it, it will begin anew with Trudy's Mom on the other side. They can again join together tending sheep, of a different fold.
As I contemplate how Mary felt when she found the tomb empty of her beloved Savior and responded to the inquiry--she thought was the gardner--"They've bourne my Master, hence I know not where he lay!" There was sorrow and confusion--I am sure. When He spoke her name .... I am sure there was such profound joy as she relized, there is new life! I am so thankful for the Savior and what he has done for me...for all of us. I am thankful to know where Mom and Dad are, and Trudy's Mom and Dad, and Earl's Mom and Dad, and so many, many others. I am also thankful there are many, many more lives to come here to us, to partake of this experience here and find the joy and love of family, friends and the gospel of our dear Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ!
What a fun weekend for you to see two of your cute grandsons. And what a beautiful testimony!
You always have such fun post and also shed lots of light on things. What a wonderful Easter week end. The boys are so cute. What beautiful words of inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
I love the post, Mom. I have so much to say but can't put down all the words I want to right now. You hadn't told me about Aunt Trudy's Dad. I'll comment more later! Love you!
What an awesome post, mom! Your settings on your camera are just right...those pictures are beautiful! I love the pictures of he boys. They are so sweet and crazy and fun and I love how Jack wanted to tend (and simultaneously tackle) rajko the whole time.
Your thoughts on Easter are so touching. You are such a beautiful writer and I'm so proud of your many many accomplishments.
PS that picture--the one Chelsea and I didn't want to take--is horrible of me! I am standing like a big nerd. I knew it.
Oh the joys of having warm sun shine on your face and being outside without a coat, gloves, hat,and boots- St. George should have been vacation enough but add in the time with your little girls and it was more like Heaven. I too felt the spirit on Easter, I could not stop bawling through the entire first session. I love life right now and am so glad that there are wonderful people like you who influence my life so much!
Easter is one of my most favorite holidays. It is such a great time of year. How fun to spend it in the warm weather of St. George and with your two youngest daughters. (I am also glad that your older two took great care of your boys while you were away!) I am sure Chelsea and Giselle really appreciated you driving down to spend Easter with them. Looks like you all had a great time!
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