Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ah....Mothering.....what a huge topic! What a huge privilege! Remember when you were little and played with dolls? Didn't you try to give your little doll the best care ever...and it felt good. Did you ever play with a real live kitten or puppy and pretend it was your baby? I think our kitties enjoyed being mothered as much as we enjoyed dressing them up and laying them on their backs in our arms to cradle and rock them!
Remember when you realized your were pregnant for the very first time -- and then every time your realized it after that first time too? It is an incredible feeling...one that just naturally takes place. Even if the pregnancy is not enjoyable because your are sick and tired, you know that baby is within you and you must protect it and make the little life the best ever! Then, actually giving birth....well, what can be said about that? The actual act of bringing a little person into this world is the greatest miracle ever! I never did realize this (because I was so concentrated on the actual delivery) until I saw my first grandchild being delivered. What a beautiful, miraculous act! I recall my testimony of the divinity and intelligence of Heavenly Father being increased so much when I witnessed child birth and how thankful I am that I have been able to share in such a sacred event.
My girls have all laughed and asked how I could stand to nurse my babies until they were so old. I loved mothering and having that special bond with my babies. I hated to lose the dependence they had on me -- first for their nourishment, but as they got past about nine months, for the emotional bond that is formed. As each child grows and matures and realizes they are an individual -- therefore, a mom has to let go of her tight hold -- it is another wonderful experience to watch each child develop into beautiful, capable people.
As children continue to exert their independence, intelligence and abilities, a mother goes through a different kind of delivery -- which is every bit or more difficult than the actual act of child birth. This delivery is hoping and praying--sometimes pleading--for each child, that the lessons and values you tried to teach while bathing, dressing, cooing, singing, rocking, caring, feeding, discipling, coaching and supporting...are all part of each child and they can become responsible, trustworthy, ambitious, kind, giving, obedient adults who love our Father in Heaven. The time comes when that "delivery" includes letting go of the actual physical bond a mother and child have and letting the relationship evolve into that of a heart-to-heart bond that can always be present no matter what the physical distance may be...and that can carry on throughout all eternity!
I have loved every minute of mothering I have had. I am so lucky to have children who have made mothering a joy! Thank you - Father in Heaven - for a wonderful mother who loved, nurtured and taught me and also for the honor and privilege of being a mother to six of the best children in the world!


Billie Jo said...

How funny that you posted all those things, I was going to post about the "marathon" I am in. When you were talking on Sunday with Rick and Tim, I thought to myself. I am already running a marathon...it is called Motherhood. I do have so many things I am grateful for with this expereince but mostly the fact that I had the perfect example to get me through all of this!

The Gunnerson Family said...

That make mothering sound good. Where did you hide all the bad things? Actually, you probably did hide the bad things because you are a positive person and can truly only lovingly remember what a joy it is to be a mother. I hope that I have brought you some amount of joy as your daughter because you have given me more than I deserve.

Chelsea Johnson said...

See Mom, that is exactly why I blogged about how grateful I am to have you as my Mom. There is no one on earth that could be as good of a mom as you are. I love you so much for all the things you have done for me in my life! You are my example of how to be!

Giselle Rasheta said...

You are such an amazing mom. Such an amazing grandmother. Such an amazing writer. Such an inspiration.

I know that I have very little experience in being a mother. But with the little that I have, I am scared and excited for the other experiences to come.

Do you know what an amazing mother you are? How did you raise 6 children the way you did? I hope you realize what an inspiration you are. I hope you know how much I think about you all the time and the advice I think you would give me and the way you would guide me through my decisions. I love you and miss you SOOOOOOOOO much!!

McNeil Family said...

I'm glad that you haven't updated your blog, allowing me a chance to post a comment. What more can I say that my sisters have not? You are truly a wonderful mother. I miss the days of swathing hay with you riding on the tractor with me. Or walking around your yard planning amazing landscaping. I have so many wonderful memories of you, mom. Thank you so much for all of them. I love you.