Thursday, July 22, 2010

Livin' and Lovin' the Good Life......

This is a story of a dream -- a dream that Earl and I both had many years ago. We were newly married and so in love and had so many plans and dreams. We spent the first four years in college, working toward our dream. Then we changed lanes in the dream and went in the Army, but it was still our dream--we were still on Plan A! Three years into the dream, we both knew there was something missing. Something we both longed for and desperately wanted in our lives -- the farm! We had both been raised on dairy farms and knew about hard work. We knew about the family working together to get the work done and to look out for the best interest of the farm. We both were raised thinking when we got to ride to the field with our Dad and Mom, that it was fun! We didn't know our Dads were working their guts out to provide for us, but we did know that our Moms and Dads loved each other enough to share everything--even the work load--and that we loved being with them in the fresh air and getting dirt under our fingernails. This was our dream too! We wanted our kids raised like we were! We wanted our grandkids raised like we were! So here we are...livin' and lovin' the good life that the farm provides not only for us, but also for our kids...and their kids too! We're still on Plan A. Plan A is coming to this earth and trying to become more like our Savior by trying to live more like Him and working hard. The farm provides such a great opportunity for us to try to accomplish our dream--actually, there is no other plan for us!

There are nine little pair of boots here--and we hope there will be many more in the years to come. All feet that walk in these boots love Grandpa and the farm. They hear the sounds of his truck and run to meet him. They jump at the opportunity to feed with him or go to the field in the truck with Grandma and Grandpa. These are nine really good little farm kids.
Miss Tess has come to the farm a couple of times this summer about the time Grandpa comes home for breakfast. She has serenaded us on her violin and, of course, we love it! BJ loves it too and will howl along with her playing. Tess is beautiful and contemplative. The music she makes and shares is also beautiful!
Miss Ellie has turned into a pre-teen and plays the guitar quite like a country farm girl should. She actually writes lyrics and makes up the music as well. One day, she was practicing and was embarrassed because she said she had a silly song she had to play. I asked her to play it, and it was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I asked her to sing--which she did--and I took a second. Luke walked into the room and added a third, and her "silly song" turned into a beautiful harmonious tune for us to share!
Mr. Luke loves playing the guitar as well. He also plays the piano and can transpose any song into any key you wish to hear it in. As I said, he hears the harmony naturally and can put a third, a fifth or whatever harmony you want into a song. He is definitely talented!
Luke and Ellie Jo will always be friends. They love sharing and spending time together.
Here are another couple of good little friends. Jack is younger than Noah and Mia, but older than Evan and Eli. Which ever group he ends up in, he is very flexible and has fun. He is really cute when he is the "older" cousin. He takes pretty good care of Evan and Eli. He has been here spending a few days on the farm with us and learned pretty quickly that Grandpa is always "up in the field" working!
This tree is a very significant part of the farm. We have had so many family pictures taken under this tree. I think there is a picture of Mom and Dad sitting under this tree just about 3 or 4 years ago, still being the best sweethearts ever! I think farm life helps men and women stay in love, just because both husband and wife pretty well must work toward the same goal--therefore, it's a common goal.
Rajko is very happy to be a farm boy! When he saw this hat, he just had to have it and hasn't wanted to take it off ever since. Isn't that a cute little guy?
This little Eli is always a happy farm boy! He likes to wander over to Grandma and Grandpa's, especially if he hears Grandpa come home. Of course, it melts our hearts when he comes over smiling--all by himself!

Evan loves to be farm boy and loves to come out to the farm! If he can get on a backhoe or tractor, he is one happy boy!
Jack loves coming to spend time on the farm! He has a thousand questions about the way everything works and is pretty observant about all the happenings. He never forgets anything or lets one detail slip past him!
Now, this is really a true farm boy! There is never a day too cold, a chore too difficult, or a task he can't figure out. Noah loves the farm!
Mia reminds me of those old western musicals we used to see--she is the girl who wins everyone's heart! She is brave and dares tackle any job the farm requires.
Tess is absolute beauty at it's best! She is delicate, shy and quiet...on the surface! She is tough, outgoing and confident...on the inside--just what the farm needs!
Luke is growing up to be a very responsible young man. Working on a farm helps a boy become a man. My good friend, Deanne Knight, used to tell me, "The way to keep a boy's feet on the ground is to put some weight on his shoulders." Luke has broad shoulders!
Ellie Jo is quickly becoming a beautiful country girl! Being the oldest cousin, she is very responsible, but she is full of fun and will always make sure everyone is included and having a good time!
Together, these grandkids help fulfill Earl and my dream! We love each one so very much and are pleased they love the farm and are eager to come spend time with us. We love their parents and are glad they loved their farm life upbringing enough to continue the dream...and Plan A!
I love the rich texture of the old farm house in this picture! I love the history, romance, sacrifice and love this old house has seen. I love knowing that Grandma and Grandpa built this house with their own hands and all their children were born here, except Dad. I love that Grandpa cleared the land with a horse and plow, and that Dad cleared more with a tractor and plow, and that now myself and my children and their children can walk the soil and live and love the good farm life!


Chelsea Johnson said...

Oh Mom, yet another beautiful emotion-filled post that leaves me teary-eyed. Everything you said about farm life and the plan is perfect and wonderful. I love the life you and Dad gave us, and I love all that you are doing for our children. I hope you get to have lots of more grandchildren, and Dad gets a huge farm crew! Thank you so much for taking care of Jack for me and for letting him have the farm life, too...(and for eating oreos at 10:00 at night!)

The pictures are wonderful!!!! You have darling darling grandkids!

Riley and Whittney said...

Such a beautiful post!!!! You have beautiful grandchildren!!!

Billie Jo said...

More more... I want more pictures, more amazing posts/writings from you, and even more life on the farm. Considering I found myself a farm boy, I think that I saw what a wonderful "plan" you and dad had and wanted the exact same thing! Thanks for teaching me and my children all about the "plan". Without it I would be LOST!

Chelsea Johnson said...

Oh I love love love the new header picture!!! What cuties!!!!!

Giselle Rasheta said...

I love this post! I was just telling Noah last night that I'm so glad that you and Dad provide the country life for us and for your grandchildren. It is definitely the life I have been missing, and the one that I'm so happy Rajko will grow up with. Thank you for creating such a wonderful farm life for everyone. I love Plan A!

The Gunnerson Family said...

Wow! Amazing picture of the farm. Amazingly cute grandkids. Amazing words to live by. This is exactly the reason we wanted to be back here. I hope that we can always be a good part of the plan. I can't wait for the boys to get a little older and be more help than hinder to grandpa. Thanks for everything!

McNeil Family said...

So many cute kids in one family. Love all the pictures and thanks for getting us all together. Without you we would be completely missing all the picture moments with Evan.