Rob was five when Earl and I married and he had been the center of our universe for our first four years. We had gotten him accepted in the brand new Exceptional Child Center at Utah State University, to begin his schooling. We were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple the second year and also had Rob sealed to us as well. The third year we were able to complete the adoption, so he was ours in the "books" as well as in our Father in Heaven's records. The fourth years...we were expecting a new baby in our family!
I had worked at Utah State University in the old Education Building for Dr. James P. Shaver in the Bureau of Research Services. I loved my job and I loved working. I quit my job in order to stay home and have this new baby! I had made quilts, undershirts, nightgowns, crocheted baby blankets, knit sweaters and anything else an expectant mother could make -- back in those days -- in order to prepare for our new family member. The baby was due on October 10th....we waited...and waited...and waited...and waited. Each day I would walk to get Rob from school--hoping this would be the day the walk would kick in and help me with the delivery.
On October 27th, around 10:30-11:00 pm, no sooner had we gone to bed before I was awakened and we went to the hospital. In the very early morning of Oct. 28th, our little girl was born! The doctor said, "It's a girl! Her hand is first and she's reaching for money!!!" Our beautiful little Billie Jo was born-- wide-eyed and pink! We could not have been any happier or proud!
Fast forward two and a half decades....October 28th, we were waiting for the birth of our first grandchild! We knew Tim and Billie Jo had gone to the hospital for the birth. We received a call from Tim telling us if we would like to come down, we were certainly welcome to be there. We rushed to Salt Lake--Earl, me, Giselle and Chelsea--and arrived in time to get comfty and wait for the baby. What a beautiful, sacred event! Witnessing the birth of a grandchild is one of the most special experiences ever -- and to be present to greet our little Ellie Jo in to this world was an event that will always hold a very special place in my heart--just as Ellie Jo does!
The 17th birthday of one Miss Patrice Shuppy was causing quite the "situation" at our house! The actual shopping not only took up Allen's time and attention, but also his sisters. Even though I was not present for the birth of this child, the importance of the day of her birth is nonetheless as important as the births of either Billie Jo or Ellie Jo, and how happy we are to have one more beautiful girl to share this day. Patrice has taken her place in our family, and we love and appreciate her with all our hearts.
Billie Jo, Ellie Jo and Patrice each hold their own place in my heart. I love each of them so much and have special memories of each of them. One day with three times the reason to celebrate...a very important day!
It is quite the significant day! I love that you have such vivid memories of the first fore mentioned event, since it happened sooooo long ago! It is hard for me to believe that Ellie is now 11 and I have been a mother for that long. She is becoming a young woman and I could not be more proud to be her mother. I would also like to shout out to Patrice that if I had to share my bday with some one... I couldn't think of a better person to do it with. And I just want to say that I would NEVER wait 18 days past my due date! You have incredible patience... and a wonderful way with words. Thanks!
What a beautiful tribute to 3 beautiful girsl! I love the new path your journal is taking! You have such a way with words, Mom. Love you!
I can still remember that night in Logan when my first little girl was born. It was such a miraculous thing to see this new baby begin her life with mom and I. I was, of course, as proud as a new father could be. I also remember the feelings of deep love, awe and respect that I had for Billie Sue. To see her strength throughout the whole birth and to know what an amazing mother she was and would be, left me feeling very lucky and a little inadequate. I hoped that I would be as good a father. I loved that little girl so much and I love her just as much today as she has grown to be a mother very much like her own. To have the chance to participate in the birth of Ellie Jo brought back incredible feelings and emotions. With each new baby and each new grandchild, mom and I both feel like we are the most blessed parents in the world. But this day is for Bille Jo, Ellie and Patrice. Happy birthday to you all. We love you so much.
Isn't it amazing that 35 years after the blessed event you can still have such vivid memories. I am sure that even with my bad memory I will forever remember the birth of my children just like you have. It is such a fun day to get to celebrate 3 special people. What a great day for our family. Having gone past due with all of my boys I can say that I feel your pain, but seriously 18 days is some sort of record! I am glad doctors today only make you go one week over. I am pretty sure that if they didn't start my labor I would still be pregnant 18 days past my due date, too.
I'm finally getting around to commenting. Your beautiful tribute made me cry! I do love your Billie Jo and her Ellie Jo so much! I am so grateful to be part of this family. It's been a dream of mine for more than half my life. Thank you for your beautiful way with words.
i love this post! it took me back to those beautiful fall days in logan, i remember as if yesterday. what fun times we had with our little babies. can't believe they are all grown up!
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