The National Weather Service forecast storm warnings, school was closed for a "snow day," travelers were asked to stay off the highways, newsmen advised people everywhere in Utah to stay inside and bundle up!
Well, Thanksgiving Day turned out to be an
absolutely beautiful day, with sunshine, warmth, tons of yummy food and the best company ever! Chelsea arrived Wednesday night (the day of the supposed "BIG" storm), Jack arrived Thanksgiving day, while Rob, Earl and myself were busily preparing! DeLoy, Trudy, Cade, Cache, BeauDee and little Dyllan came just in time to set more,
more, MORE delicious food on for the Thanksgiving feast! We ate until we could not we just sat and visited and visited--exchanging fun stories and tales to entertain each other.

Wacey, Addey and Reece joined us for dessert and then Olivia came over to begin planning for the
SHOPPING!!!! Let the fun begin!!! Olivia, Chelsea and Allen left around 11:00 PM to find all the best bargains. I went right to bed with Jack and we slept very peacefully, dreaming of a very, merry Christmas!

Friday, Allen planned the annual family slab candy making event! He bought all the supplies and everyone converged just in time to begin beating the candy. Evan even took his turn...the rule is that while the beater works the candy, others present scrape the candy off the join the candy being worked...or to eat--whichever is your choice!

Eli also had to take a turn and got very serious about his candy-making abilities. We can never decide which is best--white, Boston creme or chocolate???? We just have to keep tasting to try and decide!

Jack could not let the two younger boys get anything over on him, so he took his turn as well. This candy making tradition began in the Bisel home when I was a child. My Mom went to Oakley to a woman's house to be taught....I think the woman may have been a Franson--a relative to my Aunt Inez through marriage. This truly is a family event and very enjoyable. The ole cliche, "many hands make work light," fits this situation. The candy making process does take two or three people to see it through and is definitely a "family" project, which is very enjoyable! Now, while this was going on - Jay lost his car keys up Mill Hollow, while his family was snowmobiling. Ben hitch hiked out and came to our house to call his Mom in Salt Lake. Mary Ann drove up, picked up Ben, drove on to Mill Hollow, where everyone was able to load in the car and come back to our house! What an unexpected--but very welcome--surprise! While they made the trip up to Mill Hollow, I threw a batch of Pioneer Woman chili together and we all warmed up with hot chili, football, LOTS of visiting and candy making! The day could not have been any better!

Saturday, Chelsea arranged for all of us to take the
Polar Express to see if we could find the North Pole and perhaps visit Santa! The excitement on the boarding dock was evident with everyone's chatter!

finally loaded the train to begin our journey. It really was an exciting journey!

The car was painted a warm yellow, with beautiful decor above the windows. No matter where we looked, everything pointed to
I think the excitement made Noah very tired and the lull and sway of the train put him right to sleep!

As we neared the Soldier Hollow dock, we spied Santa's red suit outside out window and then...just as magical as the whole season is...he was in our car and "Ho, ho," down the aisles, asking what everyone wanted for Christmas and
warning each child to be good!

Jack actually got a little philosophical with Santa and asked him if his elves were
really watching him. Santa assured him they were and told him he had three assigned to watch him!

Evan was a little hesitant to sit on Santa's lap, but he did tell him what he wants!
I read a really cute story about a woman's nephew who asked her when Santa was going to die. The woman assured the little boy that Santa would never die! She was from a Scandinavian country, rich in folklore and tradition. Her mother passed away and the woman and her sister made a pact to carry on all the traditions their mother had taught them. The sister was responsible to make all the traditional Scandinavian food they had always enjoyed throughout the holidays and the woman was responsible to decorate and carry out the traditions their mother had always brought to life. As each woman worked meticulously to carry out every detail their mother had always taken care of, each was rewarded richly with the joy of seeing their own children believe in the magic of the season. The woman said, " I will always work to continue the traditions taught to me by a mother who believed in the magic of Christmas and desired her children to experience that joy. That is why I KNOW Santa will never die! "To all people everywhere that I love so much, MERRY CHRISTMAS! May your Christmas season be filled with joy, love, service, the magic of the season...but most of all...the pure love of Christ, who like the mother in the story above, taught us all how to live eternally! May we all make a pact to carry on in His traditions that will make our lives rich and full of magic!
We absolutely LOVE going over the river and through the woods to Grandmothers house. It was such a fun Thanksgiving weekend from black friday shopping to making Christmas candy to riding on the Polar Express. Thank you for hosting so many fun activities.
Ouch. It hurt a lot the first time I heard the accounts through Allen and Chelsea, but this is just unfair. Your tales about each event make my heart warm yet achy at the same time! So sad I missed all of that...but so happy that you guys had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and kickoff to the Christmas season. What a wonderful instigator and carrier-on-er or tradition you are, momma. Incredible. Once again, an amazing journal-ed experience for all of us to enjoy.
That picture does look like something that could be in a magaizine... except the Mt dew
(that just shows the Bisel Boys were definatly there). It was beautiful thanks for all the hard work you put into it and thanks for letting us join you!! I am so glad you got to enjoy the rest of the weekend and do all that fun stuff!! Maybe we will stay longer next time haha
I just love the holiday season and being able to do so many wonderful things with the ones we love. Thanks for being just across the driveway so we can enjoy so many things together!
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