"I'll be Home for Christmas," presented by the Kamas Community Choir, was a beautiful night of sweet music, filled with the spirit of The One, whose birthday we celebrated!
Melanie Mitchell always touches the heartstrings with her expertise taste in decorating. This year she made the huge gymnasium a nostalgic winter wonderland of "home," that was warm and inviting and made one feel sentimental over all the memories of winter, home and Christmas one's mind could conjure up.

The choir was in excellent voice and spirit as they sang the theme song,
I'll be Home for Christmas," followed by
"White Christmas," "O Holy Night," "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," and
"The Prayer." Darlene Clegg at the piano is the backbone of our choir! The orchestra, headed up by Brad Flinders, gave the concert a professional feel and made us all thankful for the many talented musicians this Valley has.

Local young, talented musicians enriched the atmosphere while entertaining those browsing the Creche/Nativities.

Of course, I am so proud of my grandchildren and thankful to their parents and teachers who help and encourage them to develop and enlarge the talents Heavenly Father has given them.

Perhaps one day, one of these little piano players will be the pianist for a Christmas concert in their ward or stake, sending praises of our Savior heavenward.

Trudy Bisel, with the help of Debbie Mollus (and all those throughout the stake who bring items), create a sacred experience for everyone with a creche/nativity display. Nativities from all over the world are displayed. They are so very interesting and different, depending on the country they came from, but the common thread of each different piece is the Baby, Mary and Joseph.
The music of Christmas always helps stir feelings within our souls of so many warm memories. Perhaps there are times when, even we ourselves, don't fully understand those stirrings within. These feelings may be memories, not only of our homes and loved ones on this earth, but also of memories of our homes on high and loved ones we knew there. What a beautiful gift of unmatched love our Heavenly Father has given us, by sending the Babe to the most humble circumstances of the stable--who was a king...our Savior and King! It is through Him, that it is possible for us to know that not only can we return to our earthly home and loved ones, but we can also return to our heavenly home to those we love and who love us!
What a blessing in my life to be able to associate with those in the choir, orchestra and wonderful Valley, who share their love of music and love of our Savior to present such a beautiful program!
Merry Christmas, to one and all!
Of course it was another WONDERFUL evening. You always do such a great job with everything that you do. I am sure that you are happy that it turned out so well, and that it is over. Now you have a minute to breathe? Thanks for the great Christmas experience.
It was a great experience being part of such a wonderful program. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it. You always do such wonderful things, and this program was no different - what an impact you make on our community through your endless service and talent. Love you mom...
I am so sad that I missed it!! AGAIN!!! Mom, you are so talented in SO many ways. I really wish I worked hard to develop my talents, and one day could have an ounce of the energy and passion and devotion to making EVERYTHING wonderful, like you do!
See you tonight!
Amazing, truely amazing! It really puts you in the spirit to be in the audience and sit back and enjoy the entire program. Yes, I hope one day my children will be either in the orchestra or playing for the choir. They have such big shoes to fill after watching their grandmother take on such a huge production! You make me exhausted just trying to keep up with you. Merry Christmas and thanks for the things/leesons you have taught me thus far in my life.
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