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How sweet it is......
Look at the beauty of this place! Without a doubt, this is a beautiful sight. It is a beautiful sound--there is no sound! This is the BEST possible surrounding to spend a happy celebration with the people you LOVE the most! Celebrating a huge birthday with the people I love so dearly was very important to me. I planned ahead for this weekend, scheduling Rick's family cabin way up in the mountains. Emmie Sue was going to be blessed on Sunday, so Chelsea was coming home for that special occasion. I cached in on the timing and planned a "get-a-way" for my family to celebrate my birthday with me.
I love the mountains...they played a very important role in my youth. My Dad loved the mountains and my parents took us to
the mountains a lot. My Dad's father and his father logged, so my Dad loved the mountains. My Dad drove a log truck in the mountains and we got to go with him many, many times. Dad and Morlin Van Tassell would pack the road above the church farm with the tractor and we would sled down the mountain trail. We loved going to the mountains to get Christmas trees when our kids were younger. There is a quiet peace in the mountains and it is very easy to feel the Spirit in the quiet solitude. What better way to celebrate my 60th birthday than to have my eternal family with me in the beauty of the mountains, where peace enters our souls and we are touched with the beauty of Heavenly Father's eternal plan.
Even heading to the outhouse is pleasant in this surrounding. One simply turns the heat lamp switch on as you leave the cabin and twenty steps later, when you open the door to the double-seater, it is warm!
Rick, Olivia, Luke, Noah, Eli, Earl and big Noah went up "forward party" to start the fire and warm the cabin. Earl just kept making trips in and out and picking people up at the Soapstone parking lot. The moonlight ride in to the cabin was indeed, pretty cool, and the warmth of the cabin was inviting on arrival. Goodwood's BBQ tasted DELICIOUS, once we all got transported in to the winter, wonder land.
Best friends, best cousins, best grandkids.
Best husband, best kids!
Best family for me!
There was one part that wasn't the best...poor little Tess was sick and started running a fever again, so Grandpa had to take Tess and her Mom and Allen, Evan, Patrice and Emmie Sue back out to the highway so they could all go home. We are sorry -- maybe next time.
Birthday cake was really good...especially since Noah had helped his Mom bake it. Thank you!
There is a special "kids" room at the cabin.
We filled it wall to wall with our kids and they told story after story to each other once we put them to bed. We decided next time around, the adults will go in the special room and close the door and leave the kids out on the deck!
Breakfast was special, with the girls all in the kitchen together.
Grandpa always gets crazy with the grandkids, so I joined them for the fun of it!
Rasheta's are enjoying the snow!
Ellie, Luke and Noah brave the tubing hill. Ellie looks like a movie star!
Allen took everyone to the top of the hill where Rick helped them on the tube for the thrilling ride down!
Olivia and Eli having a great run! Eli was a pretty brave little guy--it was a BIG hill!
Mia and Noah do EVERYTHING together. They were not one bit scared...even the snow in their faces didn't bother them, but by the time they crashed and Mia went face first in to a foot of new powder, she wasn't so thrilled with tubing. Now, I must explain...this was AFTER she had been thrown off the tube behind the snowmobile and the next tube ran over her. She did not shed one tear, but after the second face-plant, it was more than her little heart could bear!
You have
to enlarge this picture of Noah and Ellie to witness how the powder was spraying into their faces! Ellie is a daredevil and she has matter what!
The trip from the 67 degree weather in St. George to the Uinta's is a very "cool" one for Jack and Chelsea. We loved having them and I think they loved every minute with us too.
Noah continued coming down the hill, even after he and Mia's crash!
Once we all got back to the cabin,
Ellie is making sure Mia
is receiving the TLC she needs to heal the ice in the face and wounded spirit.
Jack and Eli are relaxing with Rajko's handy, dandy technology equipment.
All equipment runs better when Evan provides the "rrrrr" sound.
A good, hot bowl of Giselle Girl's chili (that is the sequel to Pioneer Woman), is just what is needed after playing outside.
The boys are learning the ins and outs of pool playing under Uncle Noah's tutelage.The weekend concluded with the family attending the Spanish Branch with Allen and Patrice for Emmie Sue's blessing. Emmie was beautiful in an elegant, white dress made by her Grandma Shuppy. Allen gave her a wonderful blessing in Spanish (the sister missionary translated, so those of who don't speak Spanish could understand).
A party to celebrate followed at Allen and Patrice's, with the best Super Bowl food ever! A wonderful conclusion to a really great weekend.
Well, we made the beginning of our "Golden Years..." I guess. I don'
t want to sound silly or vain, but ADMITTEDLY, I am not thrilled with the idea of being 60! IT SOUNDS OLD!!! (The English professor says multiple exclamation points are uncalled for and unacceptable...he says one is sufficient and any more lessens the point trying to be made. I think 60 definitely calls for more than ONE exclamation point! Even my sisters said they can't believe I am 60!!!) Anyway, if 60 means having the BEST family in the world (I do realize others have wonderful families too); the cutest grandkids (again, I realize others have cute grandkids); a life filled with the sweetest memories; and the knowldge of Heavenly Father's plan...then I am ok with being 60...sort of. I don't like the sounds or the idea of it, but I actually feel ok. The bad part comes when I look in the mirror and being honest with myself, have to admit...Happy 60th birthday, Billie Sue! However, how sweet it is...
What a wonderful post, although you did not heed my instruction and not the hainess pictures of me with my no-makeup, snowmobile, sledding matted hair!!! Gee thanks!!
But THANK YOU for such a wonderful weekend and again creating amazing memories for Jack and I. We could not ask for a better mother and grandmother. Happy Birthday, Mom! You are the best.
Thanks so much for the weekend. It is always so much fun to get together with everyone. The only thing that could've made it better was to stay longer! It is so much work to get everything together and into the cabin. One day is not enough! I think you got me back for announcing your age, with those FABULOUS pictures of me. Oh well, that is what we look like at the cabin!
Happy Birthday. I am glad you got to spend such a great weekend with your family.
What beautiful sentiments and what a beautiful family. They are lucky to have such a wonderful matriarch at the helm. Happy 60th it just doesnt seem possible. You will always be 20 to me!
Oh Mom, your post does great justice to the fun weekend we had!! Although I almost ruined your birthday with runny cornbread muffins, I'm glad that everyone was able to be there and enjoy each other and the time together. You're a very young 60, so don't worry about it.
We all love you so much and we're so happy to be here to celebrate your birthday with you!
I knew even though I missed out on all the actual "fun" I would get a very discriptive recap of the weekend via your blog. Ellie didn't stop telling me stories for two full days so I know she had a wonderful time. Poor Tess missing out on a wonderful celebration for a wonderful woman and mother. We all know that dispite your age (ha ha) you are still the hippest and coolest mom and grandma on the block (or shall I say in the woods) Next birthday you will have even more grandkids to celebrate the fun. Your posterity thanks you for the memories~
That looks like so much fun! What a neat place and to be there all together. I say you don't have to act your age so, in theory you don't have to be 60! ha ha ha!
Loved all the pictures and all the fun memories that you make with your family! Doing things together must run in the genes:) And... Grandpa and Grandma being good sports must run in the family as well. Happy birthday- It looks like you had a wonderful one!
it looks like you had a great time with your beautiful family. so much fun looking at all the pictures of everyone. can't believe that the once young trailor girls are advancing in age! you look fabulous and with age
comes all that wisdom!!! i am glad you had such a wonderful birthday. love, paula
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