Billie Jo and Tim's romance is a fair tale. She had gone to four years of college, attending both SUU and BYU and just NEVER found the perfect mate for her. She was finished with school and living at home doing her student teaching, when she and Tim got together. I do believe it was love at first sight!
Tim is a really hard-working guy. He never stops! He is kind and generous. He is a good husband and an excellent father! He loves those little girls of his and has even been known to sit and let them put "pretend" make-up on him. He is proud of his family.
I predicted that Baby #4 would be born on his birthday and would be a boy. It is now 12:20 am, so I guess I was wrong. Baby #4 was NOT born on Tim's birthday and I don't know if it will even be a boy. What I do know--and I am NOT wrong--is that Tim will be the best father, the kindest Daddy, and a very loving, supportive husband not only to Baby #4 but to his whole family. That's just the kind of guy Tim is. I have seen him donate money to people he thought were in need. I have seen him supply people with new tires for their cars. I have seen him help his father-in-law with cattle and crops.
I have seen him work tirelessly in the gospel. I have seen him try to be an obedient priesthood bearer and son of our Father in Heaven. I have seen Tim try to be the best he can be and I love him for it.
Thanks for being a permanent fixture in our lives; for being my daughter's husband; for being my granddaughter's Daddy; and for being Baby #4's Daddy--no matter what Baby #4 is! Happy Birthday, dear're not getting older...just better!
February 20th is a very special day for a very special guy. Our love story was a fairy tale and each day Cinderella and Prince Charming continue to live that fairy tale. We live in a beautiful castle and have wonderful servants (I mean children)I ride around in a shiny carriage and the mice and I sing and dance the day away!
Tim is not only strong physically but mentally as well. He has to be to live with a know-it-ologist. I can only pray that my daughter's end up as lucky as I have and find their eternal prince charming!
Thank you so much for that post. It made my day! I appreciate your love and support that you give me and my busy family. Now, let's get our fourth DAUGHTER here and celebrate!
he sounds like a great guy! it's wonderful when our kids find the perfect person for them and we actually like them too! let me know when billie jo has the baby and what she has.
Happy birthday to Tim! He really is all that you said. I am glad that the baby wasn't born on his birthday, or else Billie Jo couldn't have put together such an amazing dinner! Lemon pledge, hand sanitizer, and car cleaning stuff as to love Tim.
Happy Birthday, Tim! What a great post, Mom. You always have the perfect words to say about everyone and every occasion. I truly do love your blog/journal.
I tried to think of the perfect words for you last post, but nothing came to me that could do the post justice. I cried and cried as I read it. Thank you for everything and the wonderful words you continue to inspire me with.
Love you.
I have been the recipient of so many of Tim's generous acts. Not only large-scale acts, but the small services he does for me putting up with having the MESSIEST sister-in-law invade his home on a daily basis. He never gets mad that I spill everything I eat or that I can tornado-fy a guest bedroom in just one day. I really do love Tim... I was right to "let" Billie Jo marry him, instead of me when I was 8 years old. They sure are a perfect pair. :)
Hi! I love all your comments on my blog. I finally have someone reading. Why don't you send my your email address? I'd love to write you once in awhile. I love hearing about what's going on! mine is Love, Paula
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