Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coming Home.....

Chelsea and Jack are home!
Our little girl is home and we couldn't be happier!

Chelsea waved good-bye to her old friends and made the trip north.....HOME. We are happy beyond belief to have her and Jack here and hope that soon it will feel like home to them too. Despite the snow and cold temperatures, our hearts are warm and we are hoping home will seem warm to them. There are still lots of decisions to make and things to settle, but I've heard it say that a change is as good as a rest!
Welcome home...Chelsea and Jack!


Tim said...

We are thrilled to have them both here. I can't believe it finally happened. Change is hard but can be wonderful at the same time. YEAH Chelsea and Jack we love you!

Tim said...

Even though I just showed up as Tim(I am sure he is thrilled too) this is the big sister who has been praying that Chelsea and Jack would be able to move close to us, Billie Jo!

polly said...

how wonderful to have your daughter and grandson move closer to you. it is so hard to have kids living away and not being able to see them (especially the little ones) often. My thoughts are- when kids decide to have children, the rule is they live close to the grandparents. we are excited to go see ours in May for 10 days!

Giselle Rasheta said...

I'm not sure how Chelsea feels about the whole thing yet, but I am freakin' ecstatic. That's right. I said freakin' in a blog comment. Because I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I love having her here. I love having Jack here. I hope they acclimate soon and love it and stay as close as possible. I'm so happy to have my sister home.

Chelsea Johnson said...

We are so happy to be here! Thanks for making room for us!