Friday, April 8, 2011

Our Grandson...Luke

In looking at this picture of Luke, you most likely see a very handsome, competitive, strong, determined, smart young man. What you don't see is his sensitivity, spirituality, loving heart and obedient nature. Luke is all of the above and more!

Luke was our first little grandson. I think Grandpa Earl had visions of this little man hauling hay, irrigating, feeding cows, cutting hay and such. We both also envisioned a handsome, competitive, strong, determined, smart, sensitive, spiritual, loving, obedient young man. I'm pretty sure our dreams are being fulfilled.
Luke just had his 9th birthday on April 6th. I can hardly believe it has been nine years since we sat in the hospital waiting for him to join us. He looks like his Mom, yet has a look of his Grandpa Lee at certain times (I can Olivia and Lee look alike?) He is quite the ladies' man at school and is a killer ballroom dancer! He also is a great basketball player and a Jazz fan! He's a good big brother to Noah and Eli. He really has a sense of rightness and wants to do what is right. Honestly, Luke is just a really good person.

Happy birthday, Luke! We love you so much and are so proud of you and what you are!


polly said...

isn't it fun watching these kids grow? They astound me. I can't believe we are grandmothers of such old children. Seems like yesterday that we were in Logan with just tiny ones of our own. Your Luke sounds like a wonderful young man. Our Luke just turned 8, so they are close in age.

The Gunnerson Family said...

I must be the worst mom ever! How did someone else beat me to posting about my own son's birthday? Thanks for coming for cake, and for the Jazz shirt. And thanks for saying so many wonderful things about Luke. I think they are true, but coming from me it would sound like I was bragging about having the best kid ever. From you, it just sounds like the truth!

McNeil Family said...

That Lukey is a pretty good kid. He may look like his mom and grandpa Lee, but he has his dad's mannerisms. Every time I picture him I see Rick's half smile/smirk head nodding.

Unknown said...

Luke is truely all those wonderful things and more. He is such a great cousin and nephew. I love to watch him play the piano and the nature talent that he possess. It is awe inspiring. Happy Birthday, Luke!

Chelsea Johnson said...

That Luke is quite amazing!! I'm so glad Jack has a wonderful older cousin like him to look up to and be an example.

Giselle Rasheta said...

I do LOVE that Lukie boy. He is such a good kid...a great example for his cousins. Happy bday!