Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Reason...

A song written by a dear friend...

I wonder that first Easter...were there yellow daffodils,
Did the sun shine down so brightly...did birds sings in the hills?
He rose that Easter morning, that we might live again...
He died because he loved us so...our brother and our friend!
-Trish Lindorff

Friday or Saturday prior to Easter, Mary, the sister of Lazarus, lovingly anointed the Savior's feet with oil and dried them with her hair. This anointing represented the anointing of a king...all kings of the Old Testament were anointed with precious oils.

The path for the Savior's triumphant entry on a donkey was strewn with palm fronds by those who loved Him and His teachings. One would normally think of a king riding a beautiful stallion, but kings of old always rode on donkeys as a symbol of humility.
Feeling hungry, the Savior saw a fig tree and wanted to eat the fruit. The tree had leaves but bore no fruit, as it was not the time for bearing fruit. The Savior cursed the fig tree and it withered and died. Not being the time to bear fruit symbolizes Israel and it not being the time to recognize the Savior. The Savior also was teaching a lesson to his disciples that the sea could be calmed or mountains could be moved if our faith is strong enough.
The Savior then went to the temple only to find it was not being used as a house of prayer and worship, but rather it was filled with money changers. He cleared the temple of the evil doers in order for it to be used for the purpose for which it was built. This occasion signifies that the priests and administrators did not have the priesthood which would allow them to be in charge of this sacred house of worship. They were usurpers of the of the proper authority in the holy temple of the Lord.
Judas Iscariot succumbed to the temptation of Satan and agreed to betray the Savior for 30 pieces of silver. As is always the case when any of us give in to sin...Judas was miserable and suffered greatly after the betrayal.
Christ and his disciples ate their last supper together in the upper chambers. Jesus washed the feet of each of the twelve and taught them how to serve one another. He blessed bread and wine and instituted the sacrament. The time approached for our Savior to face what he had come to this earth to do. Another woman anointed Jesus's head with oil...this anointing with spiknard, represented anointings that were done to prepare the bodies for burial.
Emotion, which caused even the Savior to ask to have the cup removed, and such passion--or suffering--and uncomprehensible love filled our Redeemer as He went to the Garden to suffer and atone for our sins...for the sins of the world. With a kiss on the cheek of Jesus from Judas in front of the soldiers, the task was complete...and the judgment began.

They dressed the Savior in a purple robe...mocking the royalty they thought he falsely proclaimed and crowned His head with plaited thorns. They scourged Him and made Him bear the cross which He would soon be nailed to as He made His way up the hill to Golgotha.
Even hanging on the cross and having suffered as He did, Christ asked our Father in Heaven to forgive the transgressors. His body was quickly taken down, as the Sabbath was fast approaching and He was laid in a borrowed tomb. Soldiers were placed to guard the tomb, lest His body would be taken by His faithful followers and they would claim He had risen. On the third day, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to visit the tomb and found it empty. They found the tomb empty! Saddened, thinking someone had taken their beloved Savior, they wept. Perhaps the most wonderful news for each of us was when the angel proclaimed, "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is risen!" When Christ spoke Mary's name...she wept and understood!
HE IS RISEN!!! HE IS RISEN!!! Shout it out with joyful voice!
I too weep when I think of what the Savior has done for me. Words cannot express my love and appreciation to our dear Redeemer!I know He lives! I thank Him for what He did for me...for my family...for mankind. I stand all amazed at His love!


polly said...

This Easter season I have read a few things about the Savior's last 8 days. This one is especially touching. I loved the part how he rides into the city on a donkey, showing humility. Would the leaders of today and very rich ever be seen in anything but luxurious cars? In everything Jesus did and taught he was humble, and giving of Himself. What a perfect example. Thank you for sharing this beaufiful message.

The Richards family said...

Beautiful Aunt Billie! It was as beautiful in real life, I was so glad I got to see it in person on Sunday and it truely was a beautiful reminder of the TRUE meaning and why we celebrate Easter. Thanks

The Gunnerson Family said...

Oh no, don't get me started again. I will need Noah to bring a 20 foot piece of paper towel from the bathroom! Thank-you for sharing your feelings on Easter, what a wonderful time of year to remember all that our Savior has done for us.

Unknown said...

You continue to amaze me with the writing you are doing on this blog. I hope you know what an inspiration you are to you your children and grandchildren. Thanks for sharing these humbling and thoughtful words for us to reflect on at this specialm time of year.

Giselle Rasheta said...

Mom, this is such a beautiful post, and a beautiful presentation that you put together. Thank you for sharing your amazingly strong testimony, as it helps me increase mine own and my love for our Savior. It was a beautiful Easter season this year and I'm so glad you documented your presentation and shared your testimony here on your blog. Love you...