When it's springtime in the Rockies......
I'll be coming home to you...
Little Sweetheart of the Rockies,
With your bonnie eyes of blue...
There are just a few things that tell one it is really getting spring.
The daffodils are always amazingly tough and poke their heads up once they decide it is spring...whether the sun has peeked out from a cloud for a minute or if there is 6 inches of new snow.
My kids call me the family "pyromaniac" because I LOVE spring burning. It is just such a clean-up statement to me. Now, I have been know to catch power poles on fire and burn the neighbor's fence posts, but the old, overgrown weeds are gone and soon the new, fresh green grass pokes it's head up. This year, I only singed my hair and accidentally gave myself yet another haircut on top on the one I just got.
Olivia didn't like me burning along our fence line...since the fire paid no attention to the barbed wire and went right over to her property. She got her hose out and put my fire out...if you can believe it! What a party pooper!
The petite, purple abretia really want to join the showie daffodils and are trying their best to bloom...come one sun...let's spread a little warmth around!
Soon, it will all come together...the farm girl, the ditch banks, the flowers, the birds, the croaking frogs, the new baby calves, the roaring River...Springtime!
Once again I'll say, "I love you!"
While the birds sings all the day...
Little Sweetheart of the Rockies,
Of the Rockies far away!
Jack's Baptism
9 years ago
I LOVE this post! I too, look forward to spring burning all year long. In fact... I must have asked my dad 20 times in the last two months when he would be burning ditches... I NEEDED Tayvin to experience it! :)
this sounds fascinating to me! I wish I could burn out the old and start new - but I think my whole yard and house would burn down. But I agree that seeing the tulips and daffodils appear is lovely. Especially this year when winter seems to have dragged on forever!
Man I love Spring! I mean, we don't get much of a springtime. It feels like we go from Winter right into Summer!!
I wish I could have helped you with the burning like in the olden days. And if you'll remember correctly, it was ME who caught the power pole on fire (the first time).
Thanks for a beautiful post! Your yard is starting to look gorgeous and Spring has finally...repeat FINALLY arrived!
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