I know life is busy for everyone, but I honestly think we have jam packed more outings and activities into this month than I would ever have believed possible. August was a wonderful month, despite the busyness. I can't say I would have wanted it any other way!
First, Cole and Aimee were sealed on the Salt Lake Temple. The day was sweet and beautiful and then when Finn joined us in the sealing room...well, let me just say, it just doesn't get any better. What a beautiful little family!
Our cousins came to visit us! Anna Marie came from California, joined by her sister, Nancy, from Provo. Pam was in Utah from Idaho, for her family reunion, so we all got together up at Bench Creek. The day was perfect and we had a lovely lunch. We talked hard and fast and laughed till we almost cried. The day was really nice.
We decided we'd better take some pictures, just to document the day. I must say, we look a little like Dad's sisters here! We all still think of ourselves as girls! (
Ah...hem...speaking of documenting!)

We got a little bit silly here, posing, but we sure had fun!
Chelsea and Jack hosted a "Back to School" party for the whole gang at their new house. Chelsea had packets of school supplies and all sorts of cute decorations and goodies for everyone! What a hostess!
We all enjoyed her patio and lots of really good food.
I think we all had a really good time just partying together. Thanks, Chels!
Last Sunday afternoon, Earl and Rob and I, joined the Butikofers and Gunnersons at Mill Hollow for some good dutch oven dinners. Evie and Liv enjoy each other and are not a bit shy at expressing it!
The kids decided to build a log cabin with logs that were laying around. They were pretty ambitious!
They all worked together on their project, and before very long....
They had a pretty decent little log house!
It was actually pretty cozy looking and they had fun with their creation.
This is the view I have had of my husband all summer. I see him walking away from me...on his way somewhere...with his dogs, of course. I really don't mind, in fact, I quite like it. I am happy for our life style
even more happy we both love the same life.
What a month for sure. Throw in a baptism and family reunion, a little back to school, and wahlah August is over! Crossing my fingers for an Indian Summer!
Mom!! I don't know if you should say that you like dad's bum on your blog! :) Isn't that what you were getting at?
This has been an awesome summer and even though it flew by, I really enjoyed it. It seems like you've really enjoyed your summer and I'm glad you have it all documented. What a wonderful book your blog will make this year! Love you momma...
Sounds like your summer has been packed with lots of family and fun! As it should be. The picture of Earl is classic. I love it! I would love to come up to your boutique. I'll call for more information. We are going out of town this Saturday for a week. I'll call when we get back! see ya!
What a month indeed! September is bound to be the same. For some reason it seems that only those cold, snowy winter months seem to last forever. Love the pictures and the comentary documenting your "wonderful life".
Your end of summer activities look like fun! I enjoyed our visit so much. Can't wait to see you all again.
I think it was a crazy month for all of us! Great pictures of your darling family doing all of those fun activities!
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