Later in the summer, I had an occasion that prompted me to decide it was time to follow through on one of my secret ambitions. I had always dreamed of writing...even though I did not really know if I was capable--I wanted to try it. In our Bisel family, we really study our genealogy and help our children come to know their ancestors through games we play or stories we tell or role playing. I love...and I mean Grandma and Grandpa Bisel's story. I have always had such an emotional attachment to their lives. I spent many, many hours on Bench Creek this past summer, writing their I imagined it based on the story I knew to be true. I feel like I have a new baby and I am taking it out for the first time, to show the rest of the world just how precious it is. Here is my new baby. The name that has been chosen is, Charity's Chokecherries. The book will be for sale at the Woodland Chokecherry Festival, Sept. 24th.
My children have all listened to various chapters as I was writing. They encouraged me and kept me going and then read it when it was finished. Earl has given me truthful opinions and input. I appreciate his honesty and thank him for his help. My sibblings have all been helpful in encouraging me. My good friend, Sue Shuppy, did the cover for me. She is a talented artist who knew just what the cover should be after reading the book. Noah and Giselle have done all the graphic work (everything I did not know how to do). I appreciate everyone's help in getting my new baby ready for delivery.
I could go on and on, because I have such love for the story, but I don't want to give anything away. Suffice it to say, I am proud to introduce you to.....

Congratulations! That is such a great tribute to your parents and such an incredible thing for your family to have!
I love it! Can't wait to purchase my own copy!! You are talented beyond words, Mom.
So excited for you, Mom. So proud of you for putting yourself out there and really living out your dreams! I love the book!
Oh, she is so cute and looks just like you! You should be celebrating the birth of this "first" child. I am sure there will be many more to follow. Each and everything that you do completely amazes me. You are once again an amazing example!
can't wait to read your first book. i want an autographed copy! i will call when we get home.
I am amazed, though not suprised, that you set your mind to doing something, and then you did it. And not only did you do it, you did it amazingly well. It's such a good story and so well written that instead of "editing" it, I ended up just reading it!
What an accomplishment Billie Sue! I can't wait to read it!
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