I have blogged about how wonderful the Woodland Chokecherry Festival was...
I have blogged about this and that and the other....
I need to blog about my family....they are simply the best!
I was raised in a large family and my family were my best friends. Oh, I had other friends...but my sisters were my BEST friends. Then we had the little brother, and he became part of the friendship the rest of us enjoyed. Families experience a lot of things...which sometimes makes it a challenge to remain "best friends," but through it all, my family are still some of my best friends. Let me begin...
In preparing for the Chokecherry Festival, I asked my daughters to help me. Giselle was in charge of the 5-K run and 1-K walk, which was fabulous! Olivia and Billie Jo arranged for all the vendors for the boutique, which was really fun! Chelsea helped me prepare and serve the dinner, which was amazing! It is nice to have such good daughters!
Noah and Giselle did all the formatting for my book and all the graphics for the ads for the Festival, as well as the design for the shirts this year. My children read my book and some dared to edit...but they ALL encouraaed me and helped me have the confidence in myself to actually see the project through to the end.
George and Judy Ann, and their family came to do the entertainment for the dinner. I think they were fantastic and deserve huge praise and adoration for what they did very willingly. Thank you!
Mary Lou and Al rented a car and drove to Moroni to pick up my meat. They helped take tickets at the concert, Mary Lou set up the quilt show and stayed with them all day, and then they took tickets for the dinner/show! Thank you for everything you did because you cared.
Jo and Bill do the trail ride each year. This year, Bill had to travel to go help a family member. Jo went ahead and did it all without him, plus taking tickets the night before. Thank you for staying home and being dedicated.
Vicki and Terry supported the effort and Vicki brought quilts for display for the quilt show and helped out there. She and Terry came to the boutique and dinner show. Thank you for caring.
Georgia made a flying trip to Evanston to pick up my books. Thank you so much for dropping your plans for the day to help me out!
Bonnie was in Utah helping her girls bottle fruit. She shut down the bottling process and she and the girls came to the Festival. Thank you for your support!
DeLoy and Trudy drove all the way home from New Mexico to be here to help with the Festival. Trudy stood and cooked all day in the concession stand and DeLoy went and picked up the Lion's train and then return it as well. Thank you, you two! That is over and above the call of duty! Beau Dee worked on the kids activities and arts and crafts project and her little one was sick throughout the day. Thanks, Beau.
Robert does whatever I ask him to do. He is good to carry tables or run messages back and forth....just a man of the hour. Allen and Patrice came to help celebrate, while Tim helped me in the kitchen and Rick and Noah helped the girls set up and take down the boutique.
Ellie, Luke and Tess all worked my chokecherry booth, selling my books and jellies for me. They were great little sales agents and represented me well!
Earl...there aren't words enough to thank Earl for all his help. He sees to it that my dreams come true by fulfilling all the deeds it takes to get the job done. Thank you, dear. You are you!
My family really is something! I love you all and appreciate your help and love! You are SIMPLY THE BEST!
Thanks mommy! I agree that family is the best! I am up canning peaches at 3:00 am because this is something my mom would do. I have never gotten over the taste of canned food from my childhood. Therefore, I continue on in this crazy tradition. (The tradition of staying up at ridiculous hours to accomplish something.) I think you forgot that Luke, Ellie, and Tess were your little sales agents for your jelly! They loved it and would not accept help from the "mothers!" Dare I even ask what is next? It is so hard to keep up!
Somehow I missed your last post about Chokecherry Festival. Yes it was great, and YES it wouldn't have even happened without your family. What a fun way to teach us hard work and togetherness! Time for a break...until the next adventure!
how wonderful that your family worked together to make the festival so successful. And what a great blessing to have a family that loves, cares and supports.
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