As news began spinning about the new City Creek Center, it seemed Earl became very interested. I thought to myself it very strange, since he does not like shopping at all and because there are so many other thing he likes to do that do not include shopping centers and dining out. Well, to my surprise, two days before the grand opening of the new City Creek Center, Earl suggested we hurry and leave school as soon as we could, he would run home and feed and then we should head right to Salt Lake to the City Creek Center.
There are several reasons we do not enjoy shopping together, which,of course, surfaced as we began our evening together. We disagree over where we should park...I think we should park at the City Center to preserve our energy for the
shopping we will be doing...he thinks we should park blocks away and walk over to avoid the overcrowded parking area. I actually want to shop, but he wants to walk around and take in the architecture, the sights, the sounds--the ambiance. I want to stand in line at the Red Iguana to eat a delicious meal and he wants to go to the place that is the least crowded and will serve you the quickest. Despite our differences in opinion, we had a really nice experience at the new City Center!

The architecture is amazing! I have never seen a shopping area like this before! Everything you could imagine in your dreams is there. Want to sit down and chill and yet feel the warmth...just in case the mountains do not offer the warmth you are seeking...sit down--no, I mean, lay down down and lounge in front of the biggest outdoor fireplace I have ever seen. While lounging and warming yourself, you can look to one side and see the waterfall or you can overlook the plaza a floor below to where musicians are playing and people are spilling out of the food court to enjoy an outside table.

Did you realize there was that much drop between South Temple and 1st South? This beautiful waterfall illustrates beautifully the natural fall of the land. The soothing sound of water combined with the magical sound of music floating through the air make for a very relaxing atmosphere.
There are so many shops to choose from for your shopping. The landscaping is so natural and also calming, as you meander in and around. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The area was so reminiscent of a shopping plaza we visited in London, with the street musicians and actors. Notice the gold statue in the is NOT a statue! The girl is actually alive, and if you watch carefully, you might be lucky enough to see a body movement. The landscaping is much, much better than the center in London.

There were several bands/groups sharing their talents. It was so nice to sit and listen to the waterfall and hear the music float through the warm spring air. Chick-Fillet dinner was perfect as we listened and watched the surrounding sights and sounds.

We timed our visit to Deseret Book perfectly to be able to see and hear Alex Boye`. I love his voice and enjoy watching him perform. Actually getting to meet him was a real treat.

The fountains are beautiful and, obviously, the children love playing in the water. The sky was beginning to lose it's light and the clouds took on a pinkish/red cast. It was really enjoyable just to stand and watch people as they laughed and smiled and interacted with one another.
The City Creek I saw last night was definitely NOT the City Creek our pioneer ancestors observed when they stood on Ensign Peak 165 years ago and looked at the valley below. I appreciate my life now in this day and age. I appreciate being able to have all the conveniences in life I have. I am thankful the skies, the mountains and the creeks still offer the same beauty as they did all those years ago! I am glad to have spent the evening with Earl and Rob and parked in the
parking plaza, eaten at
Chick Fillet,
shopped while Earl and Rob
observed and just had a really good evening with two people I love so much!
What a wonderful evening! I'm jealous of the fun adventures you and dad embark upon, even if you bicker the whole time!
wow I'm impressed. Jim and I have thought we'd wait a month or so to visit the new city creek to avoid crowds! i can't wait to see what they've done and am sure i will be impressed. you might have to make another trip down. jim and earl could sit and talk and look at the way they built everything and you and i could take off shopping!!!
Looks like so much fun! Thanks so much for coming home and watching the kids so we could go hangout with the teenagers at the movie!
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