Noah and Mia are definitely BFF's! The cousins are all working on making rabbit string necklaces.

Evan, Eli and Rajko are good little buds. They have big stories to tell each other and are very busy trying to rule the world. Normally Jack is with them, but he spent the weekend up north.

Thanks, especially, to our Father Up Above, for sending His Son to this world. Thanks to our Savior and Redeemer for atoning for our sins and giving His life, thus giving us the opportunity of eternal life.
It is always a great time when we get together-the kids are so lucky to have the opportunity to live so close to all their cousins and grandparents. The food was amazing and the company was perfect. Those lithe girls will be bugging the four amigos before we know it!
love seeing little cousins playing and having fun together. nothing better than family.
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