Thursday, August 2, 2012's Thursday and the Bisel Family Reunion begins tomorrow!  I am not ready yet....the trailer is still parked at my house!  The chicken is still at the store!  The lawn still needs mowed....There are still 3 big piles of branches and "stuff" to pick up and haul away.....I need to change the water and dry it out!  The sand pile is not established.... Ahhhhhh....shut down the computer and get to work, Girl!


Polly said...

sounds like our lives are on parallel journeys again. we are having our family reunion at fish lake. so much fun to have everyone together. hope you have fun too.

Billie Jo said...

And all I can say is got 4 hours of sleep last night, birthday for my 9 year old tomorrow. 99 loads of laundry to do, three closets to paint, another day of dance camp, preparations for a 10 day vacation, and I am sitting on the couch watching the gymnastic all around of the Olympics! Guess it is an all-nighter for us both! Wonder where I get it!?!?