When your birthday was approaching, did you have something in mind you really wanted? Well, my birthday was coming on quickly and I knew the kids would be asking me for ideas for gifts. I had a terrible time coming up with anything I needed or wanted for Christmas, so I decided to get on the ball before my birthday and get thinking about so I would have answers. Hard as I tried, I could not come up with tangible "things." So, here's the list: 1st - I wanted peace and next I wanted love. Just look at the "peace" of this place! Untouched! Undisturbed! Nature at it's best! Look at the diamonds on the snow -- how they sparkle -- how they look so beautiful and peaceful! 2nd - I wanted love. So.......

There are many lines of clothing that all say, "Cowgirl," on them. I will not lay claim to being a "cowgirl." I have never been one to want a horse of my own, put on a pair of chaps and boots and ride off into the sunset; or even go out and throw hay to the horses. I have been one to love to go on a ride...if my husband brought a horse to the door and said, "Here...it's all saddled and brideled...let's go for a ride." I have been one to have a romance with the idea of horse and wagons (even gone on a couple of overnight rides), horse and sleighs and seeing horses in the pasture. I absolutely LOVE cattle in the field, although I do not want to be responsible for the daily feeding of such. So...I have decided I am a FARM GIRL! I will not claim to being a cowgirl, but will lay claim to being a farm girl. I love going out in the winter in the pre-dawn's light--just to hear the quiet! I love the spirit of the farm and want my family to know it and love it. Therefore, for my birthday, I put on my "farm girl" clothes and went and got on the tractor with Earl to go feed. Ah...I remember many, many times of feeding with my Dad and sisters. That was a treat! It still is! I love the security of cattle in the field. I love seeing their moist, warm breath in the cold winter air. I love the smell of cattle in the field. I love the peace the farm brings to my life! Thanks to my parents, Earl's parents and to my husband for allowing me to have a "farm girl" life full of peace!

Now to the "love" part. The best part of love is family. Sometimes there is a memory, a feeling, a desire -- when I was a young girl, Herb Bushell had an ice skating pond he kept and maintained right next to their house where Tim and Julie now have the round pen. We skated on that pond every winter and had so much fun. Herb had built a little "shack" that had a wood burning stove in it, so when you got cold you could go inside and sit by the fire and warm up. He always had music playing from a "record player" which came out of the window of his house. It was wonderful! It seemed like the kids from Woodland all went to the ice skating pond at Bushell's and sometimes kids from other parts of the Valley as well. I loved it! When we moved down here on the River, every winter I would have Earl dam up the creek behind the house and we would try to maintain it so the kids could skate. They had great fun skating. So, for my birthday, I decided skating with my family would be a wonderful gift. We all met in Midway -- they have a beautifully maintained rink which is plenty big for kids from everywhere to skate. They even have a heated building where you can go to warm up if you get cold. There is music playing, so the ambiance is really great. My own kids quickly recalled their skating days and were skating backwards, on one foot and doing all sorts of tricks. The grandkids caught on very quickly and despite a few falls here and there, had a really good time. I mainly put my skates on and tried to stay upright while taking pictures to verify my fun, love-filled day.

We finished up the evening at Galleria Cafe is Midway, where they make the best ever brick oven pizza. Actually the place is owned by the son of the gentleman who bought the Clawson place on Bench Creek and has a cheese factory there. The cheese for the pizza is made right here in Woodland! The grandkids loved seeing the pizza man shovel the pizzas in and out of the oven. They were all were mannerly and well-behaved. My children were all loving and thoughtful and my wishes came true! Thank you, family, for a wonderful birthday celebration filled with peace and love!
Oh Mom, I am convinced that there would never be a birthday present big enough for any of us to repay you for being the wonderful, amazing mother that you are!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do for me. You are the best mother ever, and an even greater grandma! I'm so glad we could spend your birthday with you! Happy Birthday!
I was thinking of you on your birthday and I am so glad you had a wonderful day of peace and love!!
Thank you so much for letting us come along for your Birthday! I know when Evan gets older he will cherish these loving memories and the feelings you make for us. You are truly an amazing woman! You did forget one very tasty part of your Birthday... when you cooked an amazing meal for the entire family ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. I usually feel my Birthday entitles me to a day off of cooking. I don't know if I'll ever get close to being such a wonderful mother. Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Mommy Dear!! I am so glad that you planned a big bash for your birthday - you totally deserve it. And who better to plan the bash than the greatest event planner in the Kamas Valley (and beyond!).
I love you so much. I can't wait to see you again - it already feels like it's been forever. And Mia says it's been a "week" since I've been there, so I think I better hop on a flight and get Rajko and I up there!!
What a wonderful birthday weekend! We loved every minute of it. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical of ice skating with my little ones, but they loved it so much! I can't believe how Noah and Mia just took to the ice. Well, actually I can. They are little dare devils. The whole weekend was fantastic, especially because we were together as a family. I love you and thank you for all you do for us! Next year the party will be on us.
So glad you had a great birthday! It looks like you all had so much fun! You and your kids are always doing something fun and exciting! Happy Birthday and I'm glad you decided to "lay claim" to the "farmgirl" persona, p.s. you really are one :) I'll have to get you a shirt that has "farmgirl" on it- I have a couple myself! Love the pictures!
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