Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The summer I was nine years old, my Mother took all eight of us girls and we drove -- without Dad -- to Kuna, Idaho to pick up Grandma Stokes. We then continued the road trip to Portland, Oregon to visit our Great Grandpa Stokes. We had a wonderful adventure! We were independent, capable women on a journey -- the ocean was beautiful, the forests were green and lush, and the freeway was a pleasant experience. Great Grandpa was a nice, old man and Aunt Jessie was kind to us and knit like crazy. We loved every minute of it. But...the very best, most exciting part of the whole trip came when Mom told us her secret -- SHE WAS GOING TO HAVE A BABY! We all instantly begin hoping and praying for a baby brother. We returned home and begin making quilts, diapers and all the things we used to do to get ready for a new baby. On Feb. 25th, 1961, David DeLoy Bisel, Jr., was born! Our hopes and prayers had been answered! Oh, how we did love that boy! We pampered, cuddled, cooed, spoiled--and most likely bossed a little too. It's nice -- because to this day, we all still love that boy!
DeLoy most likely, completed my Dad's life. I mean -- Dad loved his girls, but every man loves to see his family name extended for generations to come. One evening this past summer, DeLoy and his boys came to the house and invited Dad and me to go to Bench Creek for a hay haul. I believe it was one of Dad's best nights ever!

DeLoy came to the window and discussed the farming with Dad. Even though Dad could not get out and throw the bales around, DeLoy made him feel such a part of the operation and like his opinion carried more weight than a whole truck load of hay.

Dad could look in his rear-view mirror and see the Bisel boys and know in his heart that the Bisel name and traditions would continue.

Another look showed him -- DeLoy -- his own son -- the result of he and Mom's love and the vehicle responsible to carry on the Bisel name...doing what Dad loved -- farming...working with the his own Dad had done.

If Dad looked forward, he could see the sprinklers going -- bringing water to quench the thirst of the alfalfa, so it's life could continue. He could also see the softness of the skies and feel a different dimension where his life could continue. The future looked promising.

As we left the field, the sun was setting...setting on Dad's life...what a beautiful sunset and a beautiful life! As the sun sets here on our side of the world, it is just coming in to view in another part of the world--promising a new day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- LITTLE BABY BROTHER -- and thank you for treating Dad with such love and kindness during his sunset.


Chelsea Johnson said...

What beautiful words, Mom! It sounds like a great trip for all the girls to go on. What a brave mother Grandma was to go on such a long road trip with all the girls. We know the happiness uncle DeLoy has brought to Grandpa, as well as the rest of us. Happy Birthday!

McNeil Family said...

That was truly poetic. You are quite the writer. Very beautiful! And Happy Birthday Deloy!

Billie Jo said...

Very nice words and such beautiful photography. You realy can do anything!

Billie Jo said...

I meant to type you really can do anything. I remember you driving in your new mini van across the United States with your three little kids. Must be something about those Bisel women!

The Gunnerson Family said...

Pretty sure that I would not brave a cross-country trip with my 8 children. Grandma really was an amazing woman. As is her daughter. I love the birthday tribute. What a wonderful way tell that baby brother happy birthday. Beautiful.

Chelsea Johnson said...

Oh yeah, I love the new background. It seems to be working, right?