I won't comment on each picture because I think they are pretty self-explanatory. Suffice it to say that between Giselle's visit, winning the State Boys' Basketball 2A Tournament, Stake Conference with Elder Jon Huntsman as the visiting authority and having most of my children home for Sunday dinner, it would be hard to top the weekend. The only thing that would have been better is if Chelsea and Jack could have been here too. The cousins love each other so much and play their hearts out. The parents all enjoy each other's company as well and as far as Earl and I go -- we experienced a bit of heaven right here on earth!

Ellie is in the first dance picture on the left in the back in a white dress. Where did our "little, first grandchild" go? At ten years old, she is quite mature and loves to tend the babies. The adults can have a pretty good visit when she is around to be the designated baby-sitter. I forgot the picture of Luke and Tess on the computer, so they are not present in this post (sorry Luke and Tess). Mia and Noah are just the best buds ever! Eli and Evan get along pretty well too! Eli was cute -- Ellie was walking Rajko and Eli put his hand on Rajko's back and walked along to help. I love perfect love! I love my children and their children! I love my husband! I love life!
Wow... I just left the longest comment, realized I was signed in as Tere, copied the comment and delete it, then signed in as myself and tried to paste it in here. Alas...I have been working on my PC at work all day, and hit control C instead of command C. Therefore, my comment was not saved. :(
Anyway, what I said is that I had an absolutely amazing time this weekend. Nothing is better than visiting with and dining with my family. I'm wishing I had some of that pork and pioneer woman potatoes right now!
Thank you for always making me feel so special when I visit - even though it's not as often as I'd like.
I can't believe how awesome Ellie did at her competition. She was such a little showman, and I can't believe she's old enough to be on comp team. And her babysitting skills are getting quite awesome, too! What a blessing for exhausted mommies :)
I love you all! I feel like such a lucky girl to have been flown up by Tim. I can't wait to see you again.
It's A Wonderfrul Life is such poetic justice for your life. I am so glad that you were able to come and see the tams compete. I am so lucky that you spent the time and money on my dance lessons so that I could make a career out of it. I was very proud of Ellie. I had to be careful not to just watch her since I try not to be partical. The pioneer woman has nothing on you. I think you are the true pioneer woman!
Wonderful pictures!!!!! I so wish we would've come up. Seriously, I contemplated it up until the last minute, and now I clearly am living to regret it. I love the life you have given us! Can't wait for our trip!
Uh, where did my comment go? I totally thought that I had already commented on this post.
You are right, as always. It is a wonderful like and a great way to live when you get you get to spend such good times with the ones that you love. I LOVE being able to send the boys across the driveway to see you, and being able to drop by myself when ever I want to.
Glad to materialize here. Good day or night everybody!
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