As the sun rises at Bear Lake, it is OUR time of year again for a family vacation! Tim and Billie Jo have the boat and all the supplies to insure that everyone has a great time. The natural beauty of Bear Lake's blue, blue water and wonderful beaches insure there is plenty for everyone to do! I have loaded so many pictures, that I am not going to narrate each one -- just enjoy and know that not only did we spend time at the Lake, but we had kids' games, adults' games and plenty of food and good company. Suffice it to say, the water was great, the beach was great, the food was great and the company was the BEST!!! Thanks to all my great kids and their spouses and the best grandkids in all the world! Loved my family vacation with you!
Jack's Baptism
9 years ago
YES!!! First to comment!!! I loved every second of the trip, Mom! It was so wonderful to be away and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings and the amazing company that is our family! Thank you so much for all your help with Jack and my food assignments. You are the best mother anyone could ever ask for!
I have been checking daily since we got back for the wonderful update. You never fail me! I loved the trip, I even wish it could have been a tiny bit longer. you have given us so much to be grateful for. It is you that has installed these wonderful traditions and planted seeds of cooking and entertaining! There was never a dull moment on the vacation and we have so much to be thankful for. I love the pictures and will being to blogjack them now!
Speaking of traditions of cooking...I am still recovering from all that food and fun! Wow I love it. I love being with the family. I love living here and getting to spend time with you guys everyday, but Bear Lake was an even more fun and special time. I can't wait to watch our family grow (and your legacy with it). Our family vacation will be a full-blown Family Reunion before we know it with you and Dad at the center. I love you, Mom. Thanks for the great post!
You got some great picutres! I'm going to have to take some of those. It was SUCH a great time. I look forward to it every year. The boys are already asking me when we can go back to Bear Lake. I try not to sound sad when I say, "Next Summer." Even Eli talks about the trip (as much as he can). He says "Beach" about 1,000 times a day. Thanks for coming and making special memories with us. We cherish every minute we get to spend with you and dad.
Fun fun fun!! I am glad you guys get to go and do that as a family! Of coarse I knew you would have great food and lots of fun but thanks for sharing. The pictures you got are so fun and show how close you are and how much fun you have!!!
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