One week and counting until
Woodland Chokecherry Festival! Crafters are busily preparing their wares for the Boutique; actors and musicians are polishing their acts; and I am making chokecherry jelly and syrup like crazy!
My latest creation has to do with a sauce for turkey...and YUMMMMM! 
We have to take a short detour from chokecherries for one second....all summer Giselle and I have searched the ads for swings, playhouses and such for the grandkids. I kept saying I did not want one more wood product with it's upkeep, day while shopping we ran into a bargain we couldn't refuse and with many manhours from Rick and Allen and some supervising from Olivia and backup support from Giselle, here are a few pictures of our new swings! The end result is what I wanted--the grandkids having a great time--so I guess it doesn't even matter if there is upkeep, as long as they're having fun.

Of course, you knew Noah and Mia would be
REALLY tricky! I remember the hours and hours Georgia, Bonnie and I would spend on our swings and all the fun creative games we could come up with. Oh...memories--and I guess that's what I was going for.

There is even a little snack table just the right size for those little Oreo snackers we have.

A small climbing wall is just the right size for the younger ones, even Evan, Eli and Rajko!

What are the "big kids" for if it isn't to teach Eli all sorts of fun tricks?

A week ago, the grandkids all came with me and we went clear through Woodland, handing out ads for the Festival...door to door. This week Ellie called and wanted to know what she could do to help me some more, so we loaded up and went chokecherry picking! Mia was sick and had to stay home, but had a sudden recovery after the rest of the kids were gone about 20 minutes!

They all actually worked hard and Billie Jo had a stroke when she arrived on the scene with Mia, to see that I was letting them stand on the hood of my car to reach the berries!

Prior to the use of the car for a ladder, Ellie was Eli's base support. You can easily see that Noah was very capable of getting to the top without Ellie or the car. Tess is using a pile of grass I put there this summer while cleaning up. Whatever the details....they were having fun!

The day was one of those
Indian Summer days you hope just keeps going and going. Tess has found a pretty good branch.

Ellie is stretching to reach the big, full berries that are up high!

Noah has gone clear to the reaching for him...just climbing and picking!

Eli shows off his pickings. Now home to juice them all out, so I can make that succulent jelly your mouth is waiting and watering for! See you on the 25th!
Yay! I can't wait for the Chokecherry Festival! I am so glad that you got that swingset and that Rick and Allen got it put together. It's perfect for the little grandkids. :)
And yes - your "creation" for the turkey is mind-blowing. I wanted to eat the rest with a spoon after dinner tonight!
Always a great day with Grandma no matter if it is playing on the swings are picking chokecherries. I am sad to say that I missed the turkey lunch today. Ellie is really turning into a big help. These pictures were just more evidence as to the fact. Yes, I did have a stroke when I arrived but we survived worse and so I suppose they will too! Thanks for the memories, again and again and again!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog that truly did make me feel better! Wish we could experience Chokecherry days and especially your chokecherry jelly and sauces! Good Luck
I love so so many things about your post, Mom, but I think my most favorite part(and the part that is making me completely teary eyed) is the fall foliage evident in the background of all of the pictures! I am dying to get up here this weekend and see it firsthand! (And of course to purchase some delicious jelly and syrup!)
Love you!
Yes, we are busy preparing aren't we! I think I still have 8 aprons to sew, and 10 quote blocks to make. I can get it done....
Thanks for taking the boys picking. Noah did mention that he stood on the car, now I see what he really meant! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this weather. I just hope that is lasts through the weekend.
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