Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday...Rick!

Several years ago, Olivia and her cousin Joni, went on a double-date. When Olivia came home, she said that Joni had definitely gone out with the best guy. She said Joni's guy was good-looking, good-natured, had good-manners, and basically, just good, Good, GOOD! The next thing I knew, Olivia had a date with this "good" guy! ...and you know, "the rest of the story!" Yes, one of love stories where the "good guy" wins the girl!
Richard Joe Gunnerson was the "good guy," and he is now the husband of Olivia, father to Luke, Noah and Elijah...and in less than ten days, little princess Liv or Scarlet! He is a good husband, a good father, a good provider, a good priesthood holder, a
good son, and just a darn "good guy!"
Rick always has pleasant mannerisms and a great smile. He is more than willing to lend a helping hand and while he's at it...not afraid to get his hands dirty. He is friendly without being oppressive or obnoxious; he is cooperative and fun to be around, and enjoys the country life and helping his father-in-law. I really can't say enough "good" stuff about Rick...because he is genuinely a really "good guy!"
Happy birthday, Rick! We love you and are happy you are part of our family.


Giselle Rasheta said...

He really is! Rick is a pleasure to have as a bro-in-law, and it's nice to have such a good guy in the family. We love you, Rick!

Polly said...

It is the best when our kids find "good guys" to bring home. He sounds like a wonderful addition to your family!

The Gunnerson Family said...

I think the fact that Rick is manning the Chokecherry booth for us (in the last picture) says it all. I really am lucky to have caught such a good one. Thanks for the post and praise, he didn't get it one my blog! Happy Birthday, Rick.