Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let All My Life Be Filled With Music

Sitting next to my Mom in church as a child was always a warm, satisfying experience. When she would open the song book and begin to sing, I thought her voice was so beautiful. I knew I wanted to be able to sing like her...and have it sound as wonderful as she sounded. Sometimes little experiences such as this are the beginning of a testimony...it is the Spirit speaking to our soul. Listening to my Mom sing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with warmth, love and sincerity in her voice, touched my little soul and planted the love of both our dear Savior and of music deep in my heart.
Georgia and I used to spend endless hours together enveloped in our little "wonderland" lives. I must have been very young when we would climb the old brown, metal hay elevator to the top--of our world--and gaze over the beautiful green meadow where the cows were contentedly chewing their cud. We would sing at the top of our lungs, "This land is mine....God gave this land to me!" My little soul truly felt on fire at the emotion I felt...even as a child...at this moving musical experience.
Last December, I was immersed in preparation for our annual Stake Christmas Concert. Suffice it to say, I was busy! Jackman Music has a one-day-half-price sale in December and I knew I should order music for Stake Conference at this remarkable price. I began listening to their sample CD (In my spare time?), trying to find the perfect music for our choir. I felt like I was sinking in music. I asked Heavenly Father to help me with clarity in thinking and inspiration in music selection. In quiet solitude of twinkling Christmas lights and the warmth of a crackling fireplace, around 11:45 pm on the deadline date, I ordered songs I felt had a special message.
Fast forward to January 13th -- the Stake Presidency told me the theme for conference and asked for my submission of proposed music. The theme for the Saturday night meeting was, "Essential Priorities." The theme for the Sunday meeting was, "As I Have Loved You." Heavenly Father had placed thoughts and feelings in my heart in December... I submitted those songs to the Stake Presidency -- "Did You Think To Pray" and "I Stand All Amazed" for the Saturday meeting. I submit to you, "...how much of an essential priority are prayer and testimony in each of our lives? The songs I submitted for the Sunday meeting were, "God Love Us So He Sent His Son," and "As I Have Loved You." How much more love could be exhibited than God, our Father, sending His Son to this earth and then...Jesus Christ, the Son of God, coming to this earth and setting an example for us then willingly taking the pains of our sins upon himself and suffering the angst of those sins...then ultimately giving His life for you and for me, that we might have the opportunity for eternal life. There is no greater love!
Fast forward again to Feb. 12th - the State Wrestling tournament was in session and South Summit was going for the title! Just one year ago, South Summit was in the State Basketball Tournament playing for that title. The Stake Presidency canceled the Saturday night session of conference in order to allow people to attend the playoff game. Many, many people did...and South Summit did win the title. So...there were many this year wondering if the Saturday session would again be canceled so they could attend the State Wrestling tournament. No calls were received announcing a cancellation and the Saturday session of conference began. The speakers were seated, with the first talk on seeking our Father in Heaven's guidance through prayer. The second speaker was on how to receive inspiration and put it into action. The third speaker was Sister Kunz, whose husband had been killed in an accident in Las Vegas after he had run a marathon. Sister Kunz shared her testimony of how prayer had helped her through severe trials in her life and the comfort she has been blessed with. Then came our song, "Did You Think To Pray?" I was filled with the same enveloping sense of security I felt as a child and an overwhelming love to my Heavenly Father for His care. Our closing song, "I Stand All Amazed!" left me with that same warmth, love and sincerity I felt when I listened to my dear Mother so long ago. My soul was overwhelmed at the love offered to me by my Savior!
Sunday morning, the Men of the Choir sang "God Loved Us So He Sent His Son." As their sweet strains filled the air, my soul was on fire just as it was as a child standing on the warm, metal elevator with the sun piercing my skin and the spirit penetrating my heart and soul. The closing song, "As I Have Loved You," had a repeating round at the conclusion where the women began, "As I Have Loved You..." and the men came in, "As I Have Loved You..." As each phrase repeated itself, chills ran up and down my arms even though I felt so loved and warm inside. "By this shall men know...ye are my disciples...if ye have love one to another!"
Does Heavenly Father hear our prayers? A prayer uttered by me in December was answered. Heavenly Father obviously had a message that someone needed! I don't know who or where, but someone or many had been praying for guidance and assurance and this conference had a message that Heavenly Father knew we needed to hear!
President Henry B. Eyring said the angels were so filled with joy at the birth of our Savior that they burst forth in heavenly music to announce His arrival! Heavenly Father answered a prayer asking for guidance. Our choir was filled with joy and burst forth in heavenly music announcing and proclaiming a message Heavenly Father desired us to hear. May All My Life Be Filled with Music and the Spirit to accompany it.


[Stacia] said...

Your sweet words brought tears to my eyes. I have ALWAYS had an incredibly strong love for music. So much of the reason I love to dance and play the violin is because it gives me yet another way to express my feelings through music. But singing, nothing makes me feel the spirit stronger than when I am immersed in the words of so many who have loved and know Our Savior. Thank you for such a beautiful tribute to music, prayer, love, and Our Savior.

The Gunnerson Family said...

I do love the sweet spirit that music can bring into our lives. I am so lucky I have also been taught to love and feel the spirit of music from a wonderful mom.

McNeil Family said...

I should take breaks more often to read your blog! The last two posts were beautiful. I hope I can create the memories and feelings you had, and created for my husband, for my children. I'm also grateful that I get to be in this wonderful family! I know it's a lot of hard work for you, but I appreciate it and love it! Thank you so much!

Billie Jo said...

Music is a huge part of my life as well. I only hope that I can influence my children the way you have done with my thru music. The spirit is always much stronger with wonderful music!

polly said...

what a beautiful post about music and how it can touch our lives. i am going to have our music people read this, because music is such a big part of life here in our ward. when you decribed sitting by your mom and listening to her sing in church, i was taken back to sitting by my grama and listening to her strong alto voice singing the hymns, she would point out the notes and i would sing along with her. lovely memories and truly the beginnings of my testimony as well. thank you for sharing these experiences.